Why Bamboo

Eco-friendly and beautiful. Explore the many reasons we love bamboo. Fast-growing, strong, durable, moisture-wicking, breathable, comfortable.

Curious About Composting? Add Bamboo for a Healthy, Sustainable Garden

People composting with bamboo

Did you know that 47% of people making New Year’s resolutions say they want to eat healthier? I’m definitely included in that group and maybe you are too. Typically it looks like stocking up on produce during my weekly shopping trip, eagerly chopping it all up, and stocking my fridge like a certified health nut.

Curious About Composting? Add Bamboo for a Healthy, Sustainable Garden Read More »

Is Bamboo Really More Sustainable? Making the Move to Eco-Friendly Products

Woman standing in sustainable bamboo grove folding her arms

You’ve heard the hype and know we’re big fans of bamboo for just about everything. Bamboo can be made into a variety of materials and can replace everything from paper to steel. But is bamboo really sustainable? The short answer is yes, if the materials are sourced responsibly and produced with the full lifecycle of

Is Bamboo Really More Sustainable? Making the Move to Eco-Friendly Products Read More »

How Sustainable Bamboo Farming Supports Rural Villages

Bamboo grove on bamboo farm

You’re aware by now that bamboo is an incredibly sustainable crop. It grows quickly without fertilizers, regenerates itself, and absorbs an amazing amount of carbon from the atmosphere. But have you ever considered where bamboo comes from and who manages bamboo harvest and production? The $53 billion bamboo industry is supported by many small, rural

How Sustainable Bamboo Farming Supports Rural Villages Read More »