Liam Morris

Liam is a born-and-raised hippie from the Northeast who loves reading, writing, and all things eco-friendly and sustainable.

Always on the lookout for a new passion project, Liam found a shared zeal for quality and sustainability with the Bamboo Goods team where he now works with like-minded people to bring the best of those products to the public at large!

Bamboo Countertops and Butcher Blocks for Your Sustainable Kitcken

Couple baking in kitchen; bamboo countertops and bamboo butcher blocks

A lot of things have changed since I left my bachelor pad behind. One of the biggest changes that I’ve noticed is the relationship I have with my kitchen, and more specifically, my kitchen counter. The one-bedroom apartment lifestyle has its conveniences, but a tiny kitchen and an even tinier countertop are not on that […]

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